
Calendar jam: Jam P&G CEO’s Calendar

Calendar Jam: Jam the Calendar of Proctor & Gamble’s CEO

Forced labor, Indigenous land theft, animal endangerment, deforestation: Is there anything Procter & Gamble won’t underwrite for an extra buck? Let P&G’s CEO Jon Moeller know enough is enough — on his executive calendar!

Jam the P&G CEO’s calendar:

How to join the Calendar Jam:

1. Open your calendar app, such as Gmail or Outlook. We’re going to be sending calendar invites to P&G’s CEO.

2. Create a meeting of any length for TODAY with ONE of these meeting titles: 

  • Jon Moeller: You’ve Failed Our Forests
  • Jon Moeller: Drop Royal Golden Eagle
  • Jon Moeller: Respect Indigenous Rights
  • Jon Moeller: Protect Endangered Animals

3. Copy these two email addresses and paste them into the invite field of your event: moeller.jr@pg.com, info@ran.org

4. Save the invite and click “send invitations” (so Jon Moeller sees it)

If you are new to calendar invitations, check out more detailed instructions on how to use Google Calendar and Outlook. If you use another calendar, google for instructions.

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