
Category Archives: In The News

Shareholder Season 2022 Wrap Up

This shareholder season, STMP launched the Wall Street’s Moment of Truth – People or Fossil Fuels campaign to push investors to support climate action at banks and insurance companies. Shareholder, or “AGM” (annual general meeting) season is a period roughly between April and June when publicly-traded companies hold their annual shareholder meetings. At these meetings, […]

The threat to Your Savings, Our Communities, and the Planet

Did you know that climate change poses a hidden threat to your investments, 401(k) accounts, and pensions?  We’re all told that being financially responsible means investing in stocks and bonds, and saving for retirement. Here at Stop the Money Pipeline we also consider saving the planet to be saving for our futures. Unfortunately, if the […]

Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition Members Respond to Climate Votes at Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo Shareholder Meetings

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 Contact: Laurel Sutherlin laurel@ran.org, 415.246.0161 Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition Members Respond to Climate Votes at Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo Shareholder Meetings New York, NY ― This morning, shareholders at Citi, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo voted 12.8%, 11%, and 11%, respectively, in support of […]

Over 35,000 Customers of Wall Street Banks Demand an End to Fossil Fuel Financing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 5, 2022 Contact: Sarah Lasoff, sarah@stopthemoneypipeline.com, 818-929-8777    Over 35,000 Customers of Wall Street Banks Demand an End to Fossil Fuel Financing New “Customers for Climate Justice” campaign an escalation of consumer pressure on the major banks driving the climate crisis  Supported by coalition of 200 national groups across North America New […]

STMP Response to IPCC Report

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 4, 2022 Contact: Jackie Fielder, jackie@stopthemoneypipeline.com   Climate finance groups call on financial institutions to heed IPCC report urging world to stop using fossil fuels Report comes ahead of shareholder votes on fossil fuel expansion at six largest U.S. banks and major insurance companies   Today the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate […]

200+ Organizations to Push for Yes Votes on Climate Resolutions at Financial Firms this AGM Season

Resolutions at six largest U.S. banks and several major insurers push companies to cease financing or insuring expansion of fossil fuels Resolutions a “litmus test” for investors, including BlackRock and Vanguard FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 28th, 2022 Media contact: Jackie Fielder, jackie@stopthemoneypipeline.com  This April and May, a slate of shareholder resolutions will be voted on […]

Stop the Money Pipeline coalition members respond to Citigroup’s new climate targets

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  *Interviews available  January 19, 2022  Contact: Jackie,  jackie@stopthemoneypipeline.com   Stop the Money Pipeline coalition members respond to Citigroup’s new climate targets   NEW YORK — Today Citigroup launched its initial roadmap to achieve net-zero in its energy and power portfolios. With these targets, Citigroup becomes the first major US bank to set […]

Stop the Money Pipeline coalition members respond to Goldman’s new climate targets

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  *Interviews available  December 16, 2021  Contact: Jackie Fielder, jackie@stopthemoneypipeline.com   Stop the Money Pipeline coalition members respond to Goldman’s new climate targets NEW YORK — Today Goldman Sachs launched an updated climate report with targets that sidestep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and opt for reductions in carbon intensity. Despite today’s commitment […]