
Author Archives: Austin Miller

Toxic Money Webinar 5.12.22: Protecting Your Savings, Our Communities, and the Planet

On this webinar, we learned about why we need transparency from companies around their contributions to the climate crisis and how they’re fueling harm in BIPOC communities. Many of us are told that being financially responsible means investing in stocks and bonds and saving for retirement. But if the world goes up in flames, our […]

Toxic Money: Wall Street’s Evil Twin: How Private Equity Propels the Climate Crisis

The private equity industry has pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into fossil fuel companies with little scrutiny. As financial institutions and other Wall Street actors face growing pressure to cut emissions, many are selling fossil fuel assets—and private equity firms have repeatedly stepped up as buyers. The public needs private equity firms to provide […]

The threat to Your Savings, Our Communities, and the Planet

Did you know that climate change poses a hidden threat to your investments, 401(k) accounts, and pensions?  We’re all told that being financially responsible means investing in stocks and bonds, and saving for retirement. Here at Stop the Money Pipeline we also consider saving the planet to be saving for our futures. Unfortunately, if the […]

Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition Members Respond to Climate Votes at Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo Shareholder Meetings

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 Contact: Laurel Sutherlin laurel@ran.org, 415.246.0161 Stop the Money Pipeline Coalition Members Respond to Climate Votes at Bank of America, Citi, Wells Fargo Shareholder Meetings New York, NY ― This morning, shareholders at Citi, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo voted 12.8%, 11%, and 11%, respectively, in support of […]