
Category Archives: In The News

Toxic Money Webinar 7.28.22: Using Financial Regulation to Fight for Racial, Housing, and Climate Justice

On this webinar, We learned about how the Community Reinvestment Act can be used as a tool to build community solutions, especially as accountability to deal with the legacy of racial and economic harm done to communities via redlining and discrimination. The CRA could fund climate reparations to communities, as well as fund workforce development.  […]

Investors: banks failing climate goals

Billows of smoke rise over hazy industrial landscape

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 28, 2022 Contact: Jackie Fielder, jackie@stopthemoneypipeline.com   Climate groups respond to bombshell investor report on banks’ climate goals  Today the Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC) dropped a bombshell report that found 27 giant banks in North America, Europe, and Asia are failing the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. […]

Climate groups respond to news of FSOC Climate Hub

Treasury building in Washington, D.C. on a cloudy day.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 28, 2022 Contact: Jackie Fielder, jackie@stopthemoneypipeline.com   Climate groups respond to news of FSOC Climate Hub   Today in its regular meeting, the Financial Stability Oversight Council, or FSOC, announced that the Office of Financial Research has launched a new Climate Data and Analytics Hub pilot program, “a new tool to […]

Climate groups respond to Yellen statement on FSOC and climate

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 19, 2022 Contact: Jackie Fielder, jackie@stopthemoneypipeline.com   Climate groups respond to Yellen statement on FSOC and climate In Bali last Saturday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told reporters that the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) is “not really a direct tool to address climate change.” This directly contradicts earlier commitments made by […]

Indigenous leaders and climate groups respond to West Virginia vs. EPA

Contact: Jackie Fielder, jackie@stopthemoneypipeline.com Today the U.S. Supreme Court issued a rule that limits the EPA’s ability to regulate greenhouse gasses from the power sector using a specific provision of the Clean Air Act. Earlier this year, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated that existing and planned fossil fuel projects are more than the […]

Blog: What Biden should have talked about last week with Fed Chair Powell

What Biden should have talked about last week with Fed Chair Powell This blog is reposted and originally appeared on 350.org.  by Jason Kirkpatrick With inflation and gas prices topping the agenda in the USA recently, one could be surprised by what topics were left out of the recent meeting between President Biden, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Federal Reserve Chair […]